Saturday, January 15, 2011

crazy heart

A week before Thanksgiving we went to my cousins wedding in Boerne and i LOVE being with my dad's side of the family, i have 6 aunts and they all have kids, my best friends are my cousins. Anyways, my aunt started crying when my cousin and his new wife were dancing and we all were talking about how in ten years it might not be like this,all of us together. In that moment my heart just felt so full,and i felt so loved. I realized just how beautiful everything in my life was. My family, my friends, the place I go to school, where i live. Freshman year was really hard for me, and then transferring schools was really hard to but I was so happy I had come to this point in junior year, where I had made my school my home and had settled into my life and a body and a place i finally felt like myself

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